A quick check over to the Chosun Ilbo had me a bit surprised – according to that paper, Hines Ward had been quoted as saying:
"미국프로풋볼(NFL) 슈퍼볼 최우수선수(MVP) 로 뽑힌 하인스 워드(30.피츠버그 스틸러스)는 며칠 전 미 전국일간지 USA 투데이와 인터뷰에서 “나는 절반이 한국인인 만큼 한인 공동체를 위해 최선을 다하겠다”고 말했다."
Hines Ward, chosen as American pro football's "most valuable player" (MVP), said a few days ago in an interview with the nationwide daily newspaper USA Today, "For the sake of Korean community and to the extent that I am half-Korean, I will try my absolute best."
Well, I checked within the USA Today site and Google to bring up any and all articles from that paper. The article that I am almost sure they were "quoting" reads quite a bit differently than Korean readers are being led to believe.
"I can't even describe to you what it would mean to win a Super Bowl for her. The whole world is watching, and I'm representing the Korean community. That's part of who I am. I'm half Korean and half African-American.
Hmm. Well, maybe this is a liberal translation. But then why did they edit out the teensy-weensy part about being African-American as well as Korean? Another case of the Korean media reporting what it wants to hear? Or simple incompetence that led to egregious misrepresentation of what the man actually said? Either way, it doesn't reflect too well on that paper.
Let the claim game begin.