I have come to love blogging.
And as the quality of my posting goes up, so do the number of people who link back to me and trackback to me as a resource. I've learned in the last few weeks that putting up more detailed, well-thought, and graphic-laden posts gets more readers in. All of these thing are part of me improving my game as a blogger; I am also working on doing the same as a podcaster.
I got my podcasting bandwidth covered (1.2 TERAbytes per month, with 16 gigs added to my limit per month – sweet!), but Typepad is pretty tight with bandwidth, although they are fair. But since I've started getting listed on a couple of "real" news sources, one of which was translated into Korean and linked into an online news source – the Korean-language version of OhMyNews – bandwidth costs have now officially started exceeding my standard monthly allottment. This means I'm gonna start having to pay for the boost in readership.
Well, here's some help, offered as plug-and-play options from Typepad. All I've done is activate a simple little banner, which I've placed at the bottom of the right sidebar and also enabled a "Tip Jar" button for those of you Daddy and Mammy Warbuxes out there who want to drop a buck or two towards my bandwidth charges. It's all voluntary and I'm not being threatened with being shut down or anything, nor is this blog going away anytime soon. But not having to pay extra per month would be nifty and anything anyone throws my way is appreciated. And just visiting the site is also a help in itself because of the banner ads.
So thank you for visiting – please do so often – and I also thank you in advance for dropping me a tip through the "Tip Jar" if you're feeling generous.
Thanks, fellow Metropolitickers!