Yeah, it may sound like the world is ending, or there's a strange new kind of sunshine policy going on 'round here. But I guarantee you, no secret money's been exchanged or under-the-table deals brokered. Matt and I have been talking directly, and realized that we're both normal people who will disagree about certain things.
On my end, since I consider this blog's raison d'etre that of promoting dialogue, I've also decided to stop lobbing missiles over the virtual water. Like North and South Korea, both my site and Occidentalism are going to continue to exist and continue to see things from a somewhat different point-of-view. The only thing I can do is try to do what I do well and continually better, and really recommit myself to promoting dialogue and not trying to win arguments for the sake of winning them, which leads to falling into the emotion of the moment and going past lines I'd rather not have. I think Matt feels the same way over on his end.
So, Occidentalism, thanks for the post on the site as the gesture of goodwill we talked about. I'm returning the favor. Let a new sunshine era begin!
Don't we need a staged picture of us shaking hands in suits? And who gets to have the bad haircut?