First off, let me tell you that I'm not some die-hard James Bond junkie.
I was raised on Roger Moore, before getting older and starting to like the Sean Connery Bond who came before my time. Without getting into a debate over who's "better", I think we can all agree that it was downhill with the pretty boys Pierce Brosnan and Timothy Dalton, neither of whom could convince me that their skinny asses could swat a fly hard enough to keep it down for a three-count.
The scene, which I saw back in 1995 in Korea, in which Bond (I forget which one and I don't care) jumps off a cliff after an airplane, gets in, starts it, and pulls it up before kissing the girl in the opening scene – man – it had the whole audience rolling on the floor with the unintentional humor of its sheer ridiculousness.
That was the infamous opening Bond scene – and it lost me at "hello." I never really took Bond movies seriously after that. Especially the one with Denise Richards in it. Ugh.
Well, now – fuck dat shit. Bond's back, boooiieeeeee!
I called this the moment the trailer came out – when some Bond junkies were whining about him being too old and grimy-looking – I said, "Now that's a muthafucka who can kill somebody."
"You noticed."
Hey – agrees – and they're idiots. But Queen Elizabeth's not an idiot. Neither is Judy Dench, who is the sexiest older lady I've ever heard deliver a power line in an action flick. As James Bond goes outside the plans and one of the support staff asks, "What's he doing?" – she replies, "His job." And she does it all Britishy-like, too. Hehe., which averages reviews into a stunningly helpful percentage – above 60% gets a "fresh tomato" and is the magic balancing point at which movies on their scale are actually enjoyable – it got a 95%. That's Lord of the Rings level, people. That's freeeeeesh. For comparison, Catwoman got 9% – and even the "good" reviews were reaching to be nice:
If you like "Van Helsing" and "The Punisher," then you'll enjoy this. Catwoman is worth seeing for its camp value and is better than it has any right to be.
That's some funny shit.
Anyway, Korean netizens also seem to be feeling the vibe. So far, the "pre-show hunch" rating stands at 94% – and why wouldn't it, for any reasonable person who has seen the trailer? Here it is, by the way, with Korean subtitles (via the official Korean website).
If you don't need the Korean subs, then watch it in real quality on Apple's constantly exhaustive collection of trailers.
Or you can watch it here.
But I bet you'll wanna download and watch the higher quality ones again.
And whenever the release date here in Korea in December – I'm gonna go see dat shit. Anyone with me? We'll make a night out of it.