So it's finally happened. (Again, thanks Nomad, for supporting my lazy posting with your good blog).
In a business and professional environment that is positively hostile to foreigners, exacerbated by increasing overall hostility to everything American generally – whether you're talking completely legal investment non-scandals such as Lonestar, the FTA with the US being represented as "slavery" by news outlets, hagwons that actually use xenophobia as marketing tools, or US soldiers making national news for fighting with taxi drivers – is anyone wondering that investment would drop?
I've been saying it for years.
Hey – why would anyone invest where they're not wanted, and will get government inspectors trying to cause a "scandal" for doing something as evil as making a perfectly legal profit on an investment?
And let's be real – if you were an American company and had a choice, would you go to a country that is brimming over with anti-Americanism and actively hostile to foreign companies? Or would you go to China?
Personally, I don't think Korea has much room for all this xenophobia. Is anyone surprised that Korea is starting to get a reputation for its xenophobic, jingoist, conscious descent back into the proverbial well?
Globalization, indeed.