It's been a long time in the making, the bane of my existence, but yet its raison. I purposely turned down full-time work from the summer on and subsisted on the most ramen I've eaten since college. yet my waistline has expanded from countless hours sitting in front of the computer. I'm nearly 35 and veritably circled the drain of financial insolvency to set thing up to push this baby out, as well as line up other aspects of the project.
And the time has come to let my "Seoooooul glow!!!!!"
You'll see what I mean. Do kindly watch the video below and bookmark, and leave comments about the video itself over there.
The goal here is to get a different kind of voice out there, to set a better example through action and not mere words, and to make a difference if we can.
New episode every Tuesday. And we want your feedback, show ideas, and actual video submissions on the site.
Do tell all your friends about it, blog it, put the YouTube video on your site, and link back to
Let's build a base to do cool things, people. This single episode and even video podcast is but a tip of the iceberg.
And don't forget to "let your Seooooooooooooul glow!"