Sade. The 80's. The beginning of over-ambitious video editing. The "music video."
It all adds up to fun when it comes to cool as ice Sade, who is, as Eddie Murphy once pointed out, I believe, the one star who is megafamous yet you probably wouldn't think to look at her twice – umm, besides the fact that she's gorgeous – in a grocery store checkout line.
Anyway, here's a priceless video I just found while YouTubing, which I want to use to kick off a new category here on the blog, called Randomatron™, which gives me a category to do what I do sometimes anyway, which is post random bits about pop culture that are just as likely as not to be related to Korea.
In this extended, video, watch for the gun chase at the end.
Priceless. I hope this makes your Friday morning a little brighter, though. Who doesn't love Sade? Her music is just as cool now as the...the...80's. Who can pull that off? Nu Shooz? Taylor Dane? The Jets? Lisa Lisa? Twisted Sister?
Only Sade, baby.