Oh, damn. Anyone who remembers the lyrics "Supersonic, motivated rhymes are creating..." Lord. I still haven't figured out if JJ Fad was actually good or bad, despite the obvious facts of their name and not having had a hit besides this one.
This song contains some of the lyrically wackest solos ever made, yes, even at the times they were made. We have to remember that MC Lyte and Queen Latifah were in full effect back then. "Summalumma summalumma, yeah!" Ladies, no. No!
Updating the JJ Fad for the 2 double-oh 7, with a neocon political twist, is, well...you'll just have to watch yourself. Lyrics are included below for maximum enjoyment. It's actually pretty smart. And that "lady rapper" is so "articulate," isn't she? Just like the real Condi, no? Hehe.
I cried when watching it the second time, since the lyrics had time to sink in and to get the other references. "Mediate. Alleviate." That's good.
From a site called "This Just In," which looks like a corporate attempt to not-be-corporate funny. They're doing an interesting job so far.
Alan Keyes intro:
Listen up, y'all
Cause Condi's pissed.
She's tired of you Iraq pessisimists.
Definition? "Give the Pres some cover"
They want my office
So they often suggest I'm his lover.
Not like Boxer
Not Pelosi
Really manly,
But not Rosie.
Cabinet members change like seasons,
Try the Democrats for treason.
And, it ain't conspicuous.
So let's forget the issues
Of insurgency militias
I blow kisses
My Fox guys,
"Love every single one."
Spin the news around the clock,
Cause we're losing in Iraq.
Condoleeza Rice
Condoleeza Rice
Condoleeza Ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-rice
No familia serving
So I'm chillin'
I love my shoes so much
I give them names like they were children
Neo-Con, word is bond
Make Iraq like Vietnam
Drop the Bomb, can you blame me?
Girl-on-girl with Mary Cheney
And it ain't conspicuous
To the right on all the issues
And my dreams are presidential
I blow kisses,
And send boys to Iraq-raq
And they be dyin' round the clock,
Cause Osama ain't been caught.
Alan Keyes:
Q-to the U-to the A-G-M-I-R-E-S x4