I think I understand what a woman of chastity might feel not on her wedding night, but on the morning after.
It was a long time in coming. I had tried once before, but it didn't take, and I felt uncomfortable about trying again, lest I commit a great mistake in a moment of intemperance, a moment of weakness and not in full control of my passions. It was an interesting first experience, but one fraught with enough nervousness about doing something I might later regret that I decided it better to not try again. That was nearly six months ago.
Today, after much trepidation, I am happy to declare that I have finally installed Windoze XP on my Apple Macintosh. It was really touch-and-go at first, but after the fear went away, it was over and I was busy watching bad "UCC" on Pandora TV with Active X dingles and dongles installed; it dawned on me that the Great Mystery had finally been breached – I was now operating Windoze on my home computer, of my own free will.
I still get goosebumps, though. It's not like it's been a long time since my Mac chastity belt has been broken, so don't expect me to act like one of the ranks of the jaded, experienced Microsoft masses. I'm just getting the hang of this, you know.
But I did pretty well for a newbie. With the help of Parallels for the Mac, the insertion was smooth and sweet. Parallels took away all the potential pain of a raw Windoze install, since once the program is running, it just asks you for a Windoze install disc – any one you want, Service Pack 2 or not! – for you to just stick in the drive and and do... the driving.
I guess one can't say one could actually "enjoy the ride" of installing Windoze, but at least I was able to go take a shower and get some lunch while it went at it. I simply had to select an option once; otherwise, I just looked at the ceiling and thought of...well, I guess not Mother England, since I'm not British nor do I live in Victorian times – well, actually, I just surfed the Internet in another window.
You see, the install is totally safe. Before, I had attempted a real install of Windoze using a wrong – and ahem, bootleg – version, and for that, you have to have a separate partition on your hard drive. That's kinda scary, since during the install, if you push the wrong button in Korean, you can reformat your main hard disk – and you DON'T WANT TO DO THAT. Seriously – one wrong button click (in Korean, no less) and your main system disk goes away. Permanently.
But all that worry and trepidation are over; today is a new day. I awoke this morning and watched a little MBC news, opened my Nate On chat window, and double-checked a couple sites' appearance in Explorer (eww!). I might venture and do some Internet banking next.
But it's all within the safety of my Windoze window. If there's a virus, it can only do havoc from within the lockdown of the virtual machine environment, and if I ever have to reinstall it, no problem, no stress.
Next time, I'll just ease back and enjoy the ride. There's nothing better than Windoze – in a Mac.
Who knows? Maybe I'll be ready to get kinky and install Ubuntu just for kicks? Naughty!
P.S. For those of you who do this, note that the English/Hangul button is also mapped on the Mac keyboard – it's the right OPTION button, just about where the matching button is on Korean keyboards.
For Koreans who think Macs aren't for them, trust me – this is the sweetest Windoze experience I've ever had, and you get the security of a Mac protecting your Windoze environment! I'd say it's the best of both worlds.