This is pretty funny, but you might also be permanently damaged by playing this "Hot Issue" (popular) Korean UCC.
You watched it? I told you. Don't blame me.
Read more after the jump.
I like the humor with the drawing in of "18 or over" and how the model's playing up being a senior in high school. With a mustache. Hehe. You kinda knew it was coming, but were shocked, anyway.
And the little dance he did. Eww. Welcome to the club of the mentally scarred. You're now a full member.
Too bad the cut between the actual model in the first part and the switch to the man in the second was so obvious, marked by a huge change in color, brought on by a change in the white balance. Or it's shoddy editing – since people are gonna doubt, why make such a shoddy edit?
More on this #1 "UCC" later. Anyone have info about this man or who put this up? Thanks.