Last weekend, I had a great treat, one that is helping break me out of my recent no-desire-to-post funk. On my way to see Pirates of the Carribean 3: Sequelitus Ad Infinitum, me and a friend decided to hit up the Mickey D's and sneak some "real" food into the movies. I'm always one for sneaking stuff into movies. Or just sneaking into movies, period. Hehe.
In the line, one very nice guy suddenly broke into English and introduced himself, identified himself as a silent fan of the site (and someone whose email I need to return – sorry, everyone!), and did the unthinkable – bought this Metropolitician some breakfast! Man – me and my friend were impressed, and more grateful than I could awkwardly express.
Dude, that was eminently cool.
As we were talking, my new friend was mentioning being part-Korean, identity, and having gotten something out of the site. I myself have a slightly different take on being "half-Korean", but I don't slight everyone their own definitions of self. Mine just happens to tend not to fall in line with a lot of other Koreans of mixed descent. So it goes, to each, his or her own.
But I've been getting multiple emails for a couple "half-Korean" events, and I feel like it's kinda serendipity, baby. So, to all you folks who want to connect with and chew the fat with other people sharing similar backgrounds and experiences here in Korea, don't miss this opportunity to hook up with this little community here in Korea.
So, to the very nice man who bought me breakfast, and for other "halfsies" like me, but new to the Seoul scene, who'd like to connect with others like yourself, two events, one being TONIGHT (social), and the other June 16th (fundraiser – bring a little $$$ that folds, not jingles):
Mixed Koreans "Happy Hour"
Date: June 1, 2007
날짜: 2007년 6월 1일
Time: 8pm
시간: 오후 8시
Location: Liquid Lounge
장소: 리퀴드 라운지
Directions: From the front gate of Hongdae University, head south towards Sangsu Station. When you see the bar US 66 across the street on your right, take the alley that branches out slightly to the left. Liquid is about 20 meters up this street on the right hand side. Look up to see the sign on the third floor. Also, please see attached map.
오시는 길: 홍대 정문에서 상수역 쪽으로 가세요. US 66 보시면 왼쪽의 골목으로 가세요. 20미터쯤 걸어가세요. 리퀴드 라운지가 오른 쪽 건물 3층에 있어요. 첨부된 약도를 참고하시길 바랍니다.
Since the 2nd event is long, and this post tends to speak to a smaller section of my overall audience, you can read more after the jump.
MIX Grill in the Park!!
Barbecue Fundraiser for the Amerasian Christian Academy
Saturday June 16, 2007
@ Nanji Camping Ground, Hangang Park
12:00 pm – until the food runs out
Sliding scale of 10,000 – 20,000 won
* All proceeds will go to a scholarship fund for Amerasian students.
바베큐 파티 및 모금행사
일시: 2007년 6월 16일(토) 12시
장소: 한강공원 난지캠핑장
모금액: 1 ~ 2만원 (내실 수 있는 만큼)
* 모금된 돈은 모두 혼혈아동 장학기금에 기부됩니다.
Please join MIX, an organization of mixed heritage Koreans, on the afternoon of June 16 for a day of fun and food in the sun!! We will be grilling up hamburgers, veggies, and other good treats in the common area of the Nanji Camping Ground and playing games nearby. All proceeds from our barbecue fundraiser will benefit a very deserving student of the Amerasian Christian Academy in Dongducheon, S. Korea.
6월 16일 정오에 한국계 혼혈인 단체 MIX가 여는 바베큐 파티 및 모금행사에 여러분을 초대합니다. 햄버거, 야채 및 각종 맛 좋은 음식들과 재미있는 게임들이 준비되어 있으니, 오셔서 함께 즐거운 시간을 보내요! 모금된 돈은 동두천시에 위치한 혼혈인 학교의 건실한 학생들을 위해 쓰여집니다.
This event is open to all. Please RSVP at [email protected]. Donations can be made either at the door or in advance by depositing the money in the following bank account. Please be sure to include your name, and also email us to let us know you made the deposit.
참여를 원하시는 분은 누구든지 환영합니다. 사전에 [email protected]로 참가여부를 알려주세요. 기부금은 행사 당일 행사장에서 내시거나, 아래 계좌로 입금하실 수 있습니다. 입금하실 때에는 반드시 성함을 표시해 주시고 이메일로 입금했음을 알려주세요.
Bank information/은행 정보:
Woori Bank/우리은행
Account number/계좌번호: 1002-131-175374
Name on account: Linda Kwon 권은희
Directions: To get to the Nanji Camping Ground, go to World Cup Stadium Station on Line 6 and take Exit 1. The park is approximately 1.3 km away from the station, so you can either enjoy a scenic walk through World Cup Park or hop in a cab.
오시는 길: 난지캠핑장은 6호선 월드컵경기장역 1번 출구에서 1.3km 가량 떨어진 곳에 있습니다. 조금 먼 거리라서 택시를 이용하시는 편이 편리하겠습니다.
Longer, detailed walking directions are included below, but the campground is very easy to find if you keep two basic directions in mind: Exiting the subway station, (1) head directly south until you hit the Han River, then (2) turn right and walk until you hit the campground (located just after a bike rental kiosk).
걸어 오실 분들은 다음 두 가지만 명심하시면 쉽게 오실 수 있습니다. 지하철을 나오신 후 (1) 일단 한강에 이를 때까지 남쪽으로 쭉 가신 후 (2) 오른쪽(서쪽)으로 꺾으세요. 자전거 대여소 뒤에 캠핑장이 있습니다.
To get to Nanji Camping Ground on foot, exit the subway station and walk around the stadium to the southwest corner. Cross the street (heading west) and turn left. (The World Cup Stadium and World Cup Park will now be across the street on your left.) Walk directly south. You will see signs pointing the way to Hangang Park and Nanji Camping Ground. Keep walking and follow the road onto Sungsangyo 2 (Bridge). Walk until you see a sign for the entrance to the Nanji Camping Ground and a large staircase. Walk down. (From the staircase, you will see a group of colorful tents off to the right. That is where you're headed.) At the bottom of the staircase, walk straight ahead, through a parking lot, and onto a concrete path that jogs to the right. Stay on that path all the way to the main entrance of the campground.
자세히 말씀드리자면, 지하철역을 나와서 경기장 서남쪽 코너로 가세요. 서쪽을 향해 길을 건넌 후 왼쪽으로 꺾어서 남쪽으로 직진하세요. (월드컵경기장과 공원은 왼쪽 길 건너편에 있게 됩니다.) 성산대교를 따라서 계속 걸어가세요. 난지캠핑장 입구표시와 함께 보이는 넓은 계단을 내려가 직진하시면 캠핑장입니다! (계단 오른쪽으로 보이는 텐트들이 있는 장소가 캠핑장입니다.)
It's a long walk, but there will be a hamburger waiting for you at the end!
길고 긴 거리지만 도착하시면 햄버거가 기다리고 있겠죠!