As an eternal grad student following a pipe dream or two in Korea, it's not too often I get something to write home to Mom about. But when you get a chance to publish in Variety, you gotta kind of do a funny touchdown dance and wanna high-five people over beers.
Oh, yeah, baby! Here it is!
Thanks for indulging that, as well as reading the story. It was a great opportunity that Darcy passed my way, and I was happy to say that I worked the the photography of the facility into the story myself when I returned the editor pictures along with my draft. They were unsolicited, but the editor decided to buy two of them, one of which was used in the online version story linked above there. I think it was a good one, but here's a little photo essay I put together from the unused shots:
Akom Productions did the original Transformers movie.
Less than 10 seconds of notes and frames from a Simpsons episode!
Hard at work.
Archives room.
Editing away.
Scritch, scritch, scritch on Homer.
They did that first Spiderman cartoon, too.