It's been a nice break from blogging I've taken recently, spurred by a visit from the 'rents, finally signing up for Facebook, a bit of fatigue from tackling controversial topics, and most importantly...a Wii!
Oh, yeah, baby – the ultimate in sucking time while making you not feel guilty about it. I had a couple mini-Wii parties (well, just a couple friends to try things out) and love the fact that to play a game, you have to get off your ass and move around.
And you can play tennis, bowl, play 9 holes of golf, and even get in the ring and box – all without actually needing to go out and actually do them. The purists out there might say it's best to do the original sports and "keep it real" – but I love the fact that I can take a break from the computer and actually break a sweat while really trying to improve my skills in something. In any case, the Wii certainly lives up to its non-couch potato reputation.
Remember all that hype I gave the Wii back before it came out? (Here and here.) Well, it's da BOMB, like Soviet-era-hydrogen-bomb-we-didn't-know-it-was-gonna-be-that-big BOMB.
No, seriously – Wii Bowling is the triple turkey shiznit. There's a reason why you can actually have competitions with it and even bowling experts say the physics are surprisingly accurate: you feel like your movements are in absolute control of the ball (even if you're not in absolute control of your movements). That means that everything about your swing – direction, strength, and spin – are all things you have to account for. Man, it's cool.
And the thing about Wii is that it actually doesn't suck away oodles of time, since – unlike other finger-controlled games – you move around in ways commensurate with what's happening on screen, which in turn means you get tired. So you can't play Zelda for 14 hours straight, like back in middle school, since you'd be dead. Seriously. If you could play Wii Bowling for 14 hours straight, you must already have a Conan-sized arm and Terminatorly bowling throw.
Oh, and in other video game news, I met Master Chief in person, baby! But that Xbox 360's gotta wait – I've got Wii to play and a few more paychecks and another camera body to buy before I'll indulge myself again.