Sorry to take the Lord's name in vain, but this is the response I've been waiting for. "Just words?"
Take that, Billary. Their nihilistic cynicism is just the kind of stuff that keeps politics down in the dirt, rather than as something lofty and that can actually make changes.
Dammit, our country needs this man. Does ANYONE talk this way? Does anyone have this much rhetorical sway these days? And CNN's feeble attempt to call this a "cult" is actually sad. What about a candidate being able to INSPIRE is "creepy?"
Wow, the attack is now on the fact that Obama can inspire – Billary's cynicism and venom in pulling out all the stops to stop Obama will backfire, in the same way it has been. Advice to Billary if they don't sweep the final few states is to quietly step aside and save their political legacy, rather than engage in futile, scorched-earth politicking that actually proves Obama's point, and him the "better man."