Oh, were but turnabout really fair play...
A fantasy editorial from The American Herald, the USA's #1 newspaper:
"We join the Party Pooper in calling for IMMEDIATE changes to the visa regulations that allow low-quality and deranged Korean youth into the United States, without criminal background checks, without mental health evaluations, without any regulations at all.
South Koreans come from a country of low social mores, where the culture accepts practices such as "wonjo kyojae", where young girls are the objects of sexual desire, as found in groups such as 'The Wonder Girls' and 'Girls' Generation.'
In South Korea, a virtual living hell for children, with its inhumane college entrance examination, beatings and other bizarre punishments by teachers that anyone can find on YouTube, where suicide is the #1 cause of death for people in their teens and 20's, is it any coincidence that Korea has also become the #1 sender nation of students to the United States?
Why does the United States allow itself to be used as the trash bin for another nation's mentally unstable children? First, there was Cho Seung-hee, and now Hanse Park, who has admitted to molesting two small children, ages 4 and 6 years old. There is also Sung Soo Kim, who is a prime suspect in the disappearance of a college student and was found with thousands of "trophies" stolen from women, along with automatic handguns and semi-automatic rifles.
Obviously, South Korean culture is one that treats children as study machines and sexual objects. Understandably, in a culture such as this, they crack. That is South Korea's unique problem to solve.
But why should we accept the export of their problems to the United States?
The American Herald calls for the immediate embargo on visas to South Koreans wanting to come to the United States, as well call for a mandatory criminal background check, preliminary mental health evaluation to be conducted in the US Embassy in Seoul, and HIV tests for any Koreans wishing to obtain a study visa.
Without these restrictions, South Korea will continue to export its mentally ill youth to the United States, where their actions will bring harm to good American children everywhere.
South Korea has already tightened its visas in response to an American who did not even commit a sex crime in South Korea. However, Korean exchange students continue to molest, kidnap, and even kill American children.
Does the USA really need to continue to accept this indignity? This ongoing insult?
Ahhh. The irony. The un-funny thing is that this is EXACTLY the logic and rhetoric used by the South Korean press to vilify and target foreigners, painting us with a single, big brush. And the real ironic thing is that the child molester in question didn't even molest Korean kids – he just made his money here so he could go and sow his oats in the child prostitution market in Thailand.
What's the Korean press so darn worried about, then? And where the Korean press coverage of Hanse Park, which extends the actions of an individual to an entire group of people?
Although I could lie and say that I wished the US changed its visa regulations to unfairly and unreasonably restrict access to Korean students and subject them to undue scrutiny, I'm glad the standards of American journalism tend to have risen above those of blatant and unapologetic racial scapegoating.
Even if you don't buy that, at least somebody's out there crying "foul" on such bullshit.
So where are those people in South Korea? Ah – right. Believing everything the Korean newspapers say about the "dangerous foreigner."
[And I would love it if someone actually bit this particular piece of bait and confused it with something that actually didn't have tongue firmly in cheek. I'm ready to stir the waters – won't you help the cause? Hehe.]