MY man. Sick of people saying "Obama doesn't talk specifics." It's so obviously a strategic choice to speak the rhetorical language of hope in large speeches, as opposed to the university seminars with bullet points that Hilary runs. She's boring. Obama's not. And he knows he's not going to win in a bean-counting contest with Hilary.
I liked how the interviewer tried to pin this guy down by trying to back him off the cliff of specifics, but couldn't do it. Liked the answers, and people should desert the stereotype that Obama "doesn't talk specifics" and is some bag-of-hot-air, warmed-over Al Sharpton. As Billary so viciously tried to imply.
Waitaminnit. What the fuck does Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama have to do with the price of swiss cheese in Idaho? Only the fact that they're both black, and Bill's implying that he's "just a black candidate" full of flowery words and hot air.
That crap doesn't even warrant a response, and Obama still keeps it above the belt. Fuck Billary. Again, as I said before, Eddie Murphy has been addressing all these political issues since decades ago. Man was way ahead of the curve – that is, until he started making Dr. Dolittle movies. *SHUDDER*
Man – Eddie did a better than Jesse than Jesse himself. Far more entertaining, breath for breath. Hehe.