Wanna do more with that DSLR you got but haven't taken out of "P" mode? Or you thinking of getting a DSLR and finally learning how to take better pictures? You've come to the right place.
For those of you who've gotten to know me and this blog more recently, I originally started it as a place to publish my photographs as well as chapters from my photo book (see see text and many pictures from chapters I, II, and IV) before it became more text-based. Recently, after I switched from street to street fashion photography, I've been coming back to the world of photography and my previous mode, when I had an exhibition, a book deal, and was teaching documentary photography to Korean kids.
Recently, I started a photography class on Sundays, and I'd like to start another for those available on weekday evenings. I know a few people contacted me after we got started about putting together perhaps another one, and what with my schedule having opened up because my other classes have entered test/vacation mode, I'm looking to fill another class of 5, perhaps for those of you who might prefer a weekday cycle. Our Sunday class is already full, but a weekday or a Saturday might be a good time for another "반."
Drop a line to the email listed at the top right for details. You can also reference a description of the class (it's all photography now, no blogging) in the right menu bar.