OK -- I'm going to bite my snark for a bit and make a serious suggestion to King Baeksu, who has single-handedly managed to dominate my comments section again, and haunts those of several other blogs around the K-blogosphere.
He seems to find the views of many bloggers here -- the Marmot, ExpatJane, ROKDrop, and myself (to name a few) -- so sub-par and intellectually inferior that it's a wonder how much he posts comment after comment after comment, reminding us of how wrong we are, right he is.
So I have a suggestion.
King Baeksu -- why don't you start your own blog? Being that you're the king of all media, with your 'zine, columns, and extensive experience as a writer? Since you seem so dissatisfied with the quality of writing and analysis amongst us k-bloggers, of pretty much any political stripe -- why not start your own?
I know you have a site, which is pretty static, where you publish articles. But I'm talking about a blog, where people can easily and conveniently talk back, where you can present new ideas and spark a meta-discussion, and you can show how much you can add to the body of knowledge about Korea, its culture, and people.
I mean, isn't this the logical thing to do? As you yourself seem to think, we're putting out all kinds of stilted or stunted information about this place, so who better to supplement it than you, King Baeksu, with a blog of your own?
At this point, with the extensive commenting and criticizing you do at so many blogs in the K-blogosphere, the logical thing to do is to start your OWN.
Isn't that the inevitable conclusion? You know, KB, I don't like you, and you don't like me. And I personally don't think you could manage a blog that would do anything other than amount to the equivalent of shouting, kicking and screaming, all punctuated with a bit of name-calling.
Yet, I would love to be proven wrong, by virtue of you making a blog that would, against my wildest expectations, actually be a positive and constructive force here in the K-blogosphere. At least, everyone could benefit from that, right?
And for someone like you, whipping up a good blog would be a snap, no? At this point, wouldn't it be more efficient to just blog your POV, rather than post lengthy comments all over the place? It would probably be more efficient that way.
Personally, there are some blogs out there that I find putrid and detestable. I won't mention them by name, but the point is: I simply don't go to them. Why would I?
Since you continue coming here and to many places you apparently detest, I wonder, in sum:
1) Why you keep coming to all these blogs, including mine?
2) Why haven't you staked out your own blog claim, given that you find nearly all of them so lacking?
Although I personally don't like you, I'm being dead serious. Why not just start your own blog and show us how it's REALLY supposed to be done?