This is really funny and creative, which is good to know about the people who, in the process of re-creating the conditions of the universe just a fraction of a second after the big bang, just might accidentally also create a mini-black hole that would suck our planet into oblivion as all matter -- including you and me -- are spagettified as we get slurped down the maw of that big mama's event horizon. Well, I mean, if you're gonna go, that's a spectacular way to do it, right?
Naw, that's not very likely, though. It just sounds cool. I'm glad these guys were able to reach out a bit more with this strangely effective video about bosons, antimatter, and the fact that gravity is actually a very weak force (its range is just far longer than the other 4 major forces in the universe, which is why it has the most influence, in the big picture). I DO remember something from physics, now!
It makes me happy that nerds are so good at rapping. I just hope they don't create a black hole that sucks my head through my ass. Good luck to 'em!