Brian informs us that this hagwon chain -- Avalon English -- is the worst of the worst in terms of overreacting to the swine flu outbreak, and seems to be under the impression that only foreigners coming into Korea are the main vectors for its spread, and we are somehow a direct threat to the people and their children.
It just adds to my argument that in fact, according to the terms and conditions of most hagwon contracts, you are a 21st-century indentured servant. You have nearly no legal rights in this country in reality, little recourse in case of contractual or work-related disputes, and now, the media is even saying you are a threat to society's well-being, even as they desperately ship in more of you.
I'm NOT being facetious -- that's what you ARE. Check out a standard copy of a term of indenture on the previous link, then compare it to the terms under which you came here.
And now, some hagwons, namely Avalon English, are doing what evil hagwons in the 1990's used to do, which is "require" you to relinquish your passports to them, effectively taking away your right to freedom of movement. Or for daily health checks to make sure you're in prime work condition; and then, they wash down the classroom after you leave it, as if you were ACTUALLY a member of the swine family, as opposed to the human race.
You'd never voluntarily work for a hagwon that turns you effectively into a SLAVE, would you?
If you'd like to tell these Avalon people just what you think, call them at 031-717-0047 and/or [email protected].
And even AFTER they cave and change their policies, or this blows over -- if you've found this page by Googling 아발론교육 or Avalon Enlglish, along with possible keyword string searches such as "teach English in Korea" or "English language institutes in Korea", you know you'd never want to work for an employer like this, would you? One that actually TREATS you like the foreign animal, the walking dictionary that most other places may assume you to be, but would never dare cross that line of actually treating you as such?
This must be one of the worst places to work as a foreigner in Korea, if their reaction to the slight swine flu problem is the racist scapegoating of foreigners. Whoever made this policy sounds like one of the most ignorant, uneducated, misinformed, incompetent, and racist idiot who ever popped a placenta on the Korean peninsula. I say "one of the most" because there is a sizable contingent of company when it comes to certain stupid ideas or practices on the Korean peninsula, so it's not that tough to join the club. Most of the ninnies and simpletons at Immigration or the Tourism board would also make the list.
But since this is the private sector, hit 'em where it hurts: post about Avalon English, create content for Google to track, and make sure that this bullshit comes up whenever some poor kid looking for a job after college does a search for their company name, or even a general search for English-teaching positions.
Hurt them, take food off their plate, starve out the stupid. Let the market work it out by spreading the news.
At Avalon English, you're not just an indentured servant, but a semi-slave not even possessed of the right to travel as one pleases, as a carrier of dread diseases.
Work there at your peril.