You can sign up for the Facebook event and get contact information here.
Four 3-hour sessions, as well as shooting sessions, photo discussions, and critiques, meeting on 4 consecutive Saturdays from 11am-2pm.
Session 1:
Just the Basics Dealing with the basic operations and functions of your DSLR, explaining each function, button, and doo-hickey. The bulk of the session is likely going to stick around the relationship between aperture and shutter, as well as depth-of-field. Basically everything on your camera has something to do with this relationship.
Session 2:
Composition and Shooting (Shooting Session 1)
We'll take those examples and look at them on the big screen, while also answering the concrete questions that will pop up about the stuff we learned before. Then we'll talk about composition and other framing issues, including lens lengths and why some lenses are worth $100 bucks and some are worth $10,000.
Session 3:
Flashes and Advanced Exposure (Shooting Session 2)
Dealing with flash, in terms of compensating above and below exposure levels (bracketing), as well as other bracketing techniques in general.
Session 4: Final Session/Critiques
Keeping it open, field trip using advanced flash and lighting techniques -- locations determined by the weather.
All for 175,000 won. A great price!
Check out the Facebook course descriptio
n and you'll see how this can all fit together quite well.
Korea Exchange Bank (외환은행)
Payment information and directions are detailed in a note as well:
For information about the studio, the instructor, as well as sample photos and even videos, go to this page.
-- If you are a couple, or are sharing a single camera, I can give you the discount I give anyone who brings in a friend, which is charging you 150,000 each for the class instead of 175,000. But since you're in the class and I want to make sure everyone is taken care of, I do consider you both fully my students. Know what I mean?
-- If you know you are going to miss a session or two, you can stagger. I offer photo classes almost every month, so if you miss a session, you can make it the same session up in a later session. Example, if you miss the #3 session, which is studio, you can wait until the next month and do that #3 session.
-- If you have to suddenly drop out, or miss sessions unexpectedly, I am more than happy to have you attend later, or make up sessions, but I don't do a la carte refunds. If you speak to me BEFOREHAND about partially attending the class or a session, that's fine. Some people with experience behind the camera want to just try out the studio session, for example. We can work that out in advance. Otherwise, if you miss something, I'm more than open to you making it up!
If you submit payment and drop an email to [email protected] with your phone number, you're all set! See you in class!