English Teachers Out -- how original.
With pictures that apparently draw a link between being an English teachers and being an interrogator at Abu Graib.
Go over to the site, leave a piece of your mind (be smart and don't seem like whom they stereotype us to be), and let the warm sunshine of reasonableness and the truth be their own downfall. In other words, let their hyperbole and indignation-based-in-ignorance-and-racism be their own downfall.
Stupid people don't suddenly act smart when confronted by intelligent people. At best, they hem and haw themselves into irrelevant reasonableness (feigned as it may be) or they just break down into hysterics.
What they're going to do is come into my blog and try to find some choice post that they think they can exploit to embarrass me. Let them. It'll probably be some piece of sarcasm that they'll misinterpret. Or they'll simply try to paint me into one of their stereotypes of foreigners, which I don't fit, but that doesn't mean they won't try.
I doubt, however, they have anything meaningful to say about "English teachers" other than false accusations based in faulty or fraudulent statistics, or based in obvious racist motivations such as "the white men are dishonoring our sacred, Joseon maidens" or that we "spread AIDS" or...
...torture Korean children much like the prisoners of Abu Graib?
It's just stuff like that that means these guys will implode under their own sheer size, since there isn't much to the blog other than tired, old racist blowharding.
Let's blow 'em up and watch the fur fly, feeble arguments fall.
Oh, and let's see if the author has the cojones to sign his names to what he says. Or if he's like the rest of the cowards who populate the Internet with venom and vitriol...
The security blanket of anonymity, when taken away, generally reveals only rats and other vermin scurrying into the safety of darkness.
My name's Michael Hurt and my email address is at the top right of this page.
English Teachers Out -- what are YOUR names?
Can you stand behind what you say? Are you proud of what you say?
I doubt it.
To the writer: you're a fucking coward.
Now, put me on blast in the Korean blogosphere and to Korean netizens, bitch.
I'll love it.