Come ON. Really? Even I, as a long-time resident of Korea, am surprised at the crass objectification of women this decision represents.
It's not like this country has any other prominent women in the news or politics, such as perhaps the first viable contender to become the first female president of this republic, or anything, right?
SISTAR?! Let's do this thought experiment -- "We have candidates for Woman of the Year in US GQ: Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, First Lady Michelle Obama, and television personality Kim Kardashian! And the winner is... Kim Kardashian!"
SERiously, in KOrea, teenie-looking sexpot dancing girls get the prize BECAUSE BEING "SEXY" AND ATTRACTIVE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ATTRIBUTE IN LIFE FOR A WOMAN. At least in korea.
Did a little rant in Korean on Yahae! as well.
HT to the Marmot (almost forgot my blog manners!)