I'm not laughing about the fall per se, I am snickering at the folks represented by these three snide students who cornered me after a conference presentation, who couldn't stomach my claim that the Korean media was completely unprofessional and were still the lackeys of the government and kissed the Blue House's ass.
What y'all think now? Obviously, this is my fantasy rebuttal, since I highly doubt they read my blog. Apparently, the Korean public is getting all pissed again at the government's heavy-handed attempts to corral in the local media.
Well, don't just blame the present president, but the entire relationship between government and the press, and the socio-legal structure that keeps the press' tail between its legs like an abused dog that's been beaten one too many times and Massa raises his hand in a moment of spite but doesn't hit. What's the dog do? cowers and whimpers, like the Korean media.
In that kind of environment, you don't need much to embargo a video of your president tripping over her hanbok.
If you want a healthy environment for critical journalis, there needs to be an undergirding culture of criticism, which is still pooh-poohed and derided here. Gotta have the social room to guffaw when your president trips. And not think "Our nation has fallen on its face before the entire worlf!" But rather that somebody tripped, which is...admittedly...kinda funny.