Beware – rant ahead.
As a reminder, here's an excerpt from this October 16 post, which some said was just me "jumping the gun":
Anyway, some predictions:
1) More calls for background checks on foreigners that won't ever happen, and won't affect anything, anyway.
2) More "stories" printed about the allegedly lower sexual mores of foreign men.
3) No actual stories of foreign teachers having been caught doing anything with a minor, unlike what you can hear about every day in the society section of any Korean newspaper.
You can read about what I think would improve the quality of teaching and life for foreign teachers and their students alike, but it's all fantasy, since it'll never happen in a Korea that treats foreigners, no matter what we do, like walking, talking dictionaries.
Well, the big one, #1, has already come to pass. Numbers 2 and 3 continue to be true, as the media sniffs for anything to blow into a scandal involving a foreign teacher, even as such cases hardly ever come up. To mbscuit:
My whole point is that articles and reports like this are nearly always built upon the most specious of evidence, and even fly in the face of facts. The 1995 media circus around the GI "harrassing" the woman on the subway. False. It was his wife and they were being attacked. Not only were there no retractions, the stories CONTINUED. [I have this in my files, and am searching for the interview, which came from the 조선월간. I am blanking on the site. Help?]
2002년 06월 >> "인물과 인터뷰"
[특별인터뷰] 孔魯明 (前 외무부 장관)의 통렬한 金大中 외교노선 비판
『일부 美軍 범죄가 국민감정에 좋지 않은 영향을 미칠 수 있겠지요. 그러나 3만7000명의 美軍이 주둔하고 있는데 범죄가 없을 수 없다는 것을 생각해야 합니다.
개중에는 과장되는 면도 있는 것 같아요. 제가 정부에 있을 때 지하철에서 美軍이 한국 여성을 性추행한 사건이 TV에 크게 보도된 적이 있습니다. 당시 美軍 측이 우리에게 알려 온 바로는 美軍이 性추행했다는 한국 여성이 바로 자기 부인이었다는 겁니다. 지하철 안에서 엉덩이를 만지고 한 것이 문제가 된 것인데 이것은 문화적인 차이 때문에 생긴 것입니다. 한국적인 문화에서는 자기 부인이라고 해서 남이 보는 데서는 그렇지 않잖아요. 그런 것을 모르고 TV에서 「美軍 性추행사건」이라고 대대적으로 보도한 것입니다. TV뿐 아니라 신문에 그러한 사실을 알려줘도 전혀 訂正 보도를 해 주지 않더군요』
I consider that a reliable source, since it was the transcript to an interview, and I trust even a major Korean news source enough not to fudge entire interviews. Also, the information there is corroborated by many sources I read at the time, specifically the letter written by the couple itself.
Any of the stories from 2002-2003. "No compensation offered" or "no apologies from military" or even "no apologies from Bush." THese are are patent mistruths, and were available on the US Embassy website in both English and Korean from day 1.
The foreigner who "gave his Korean girlfriend AIDS." Based on a Hotmail written in broken Konglish, contact by the jilted girlfriend herself. THis is a source?
Even the GI's in Hongdae who stabbed a Korean guy. Left out of the story was the fact that there was a KATUSA with the two GI's (but that fact would have made it inconvenient to market as a "two GI's go on a rampage against Koreans" story) and the three of them were in fact attacked by 5 Korean attackers, who were drunk and came out of nowhere. This is all information that is agreed upon in the case. The GI who stabbed the Korean man said he did so only after his KATUSA friend took off, and two men were holding his friend down and one was strangling him. He then reached into his bag, where he had a knife, and stabbed the man with his hands around his friend's throat. Whatever happened that day, it wasn't a case of "two GI's rampaging in Shinchon."
Or the YTN story about foreigners "rampaging in Hongdae" and then being miraculously "clean and safe" a week later.
Or yes, the silly fake degrees stories that are given out of context of the fact that the vast majority of foreigners here, no matter how stupid or rude or what have you, at least did graduate from where they said they did. And now that it's found that there are apparently huge numbers of Koreans with fake degrees, do we call Koreans the "fake degree society" or paint the entire group with the brush of a minority?
And for all the talk of "pedophile teachers", that single case of the guy teaching in Korea was 1) a single case, and 2) he STILL wasn't accused of doing anything IN KOREA. In fact, the irony is he was obviously making his money HERE to go THERE and do his dastardly deeds.
Tell me, are you one of those people who just believes everything he sees on TV? So because it was ON KBS, it's true? And according to what statistics are crimes rising? And is the raw number of crimes rising commensurate with the rising number of foreigners overall? Is the ratio changing? And the real question is whether that ratio is becoming large enough to warrant making laws to stop it.
Do you even ask questions when you watch TV? So based on a news media that has a clear record of extreme bias against this group, in order to sell newspapers, and a single case, you feel it's right to make a policy that will in fact increase the numbers of foreigners working underground, while encouraging the legal ones to leave?
Because of ONE guy and a handful of idiots?
I don't just attribute this to KBS, but to MBC, YTN, and all the other racist and journalistically irresponsible news media. It's because of low standards such as these that YTN actually reported Bill Gates as having been murdered because a single news source reported it, whereupon YTN reported it as fact. It's called DOUBLE-CONFIRMING reports, with at least two separate sources, a basic journalistic standard. But these, most Korean media outlets 대충 away. Who needs facts when it sells newspapers or keeps people on our channel?
One of the reasons I don't talk to Korean reporters is that in every single case of the several times I have been in the news, the reporter has conducted interviews without taking any notes, or making any recordings, and completely misreports basic facts and dates – and this is even without BIAS. This just comes from mere laziness. I have never had a reporter from a Korean domestic daily report even my basic biographical information correctly, let alone attribute quotes.
In a 2003 interview with me, the Kyunghyang Shinmun did a report on me as a foreign photographer in which they mispelled my name, got all the dates wrong, had me doing jobs I never did, and attributed extensive quotes to me that I had never said (and I remember, since they used vocabulary words I hadn't learned yet, and had to look up in order to understand what *I* had apparently said), and couldn't have remembered since they didn't take notes nor record me. And this is not just here – this is standard procedure in Korean journalism.
As is harrassing subjects, re-posing pictures after the event, or even asking event organizers to write the story themselves, which the reporter will just write up later because s/he is too lazy to attend.
By contrast and as a good example, the AP reporter who interviewed me for the piece they did on me – she is a Korean national, by the way, and a good inoculation against the accusation that I am "racist against Koreans," since this isn't about biology but about standards in a journalistic community – was good. She accurately conveyed what it was I had said, gave it the proper context, and got all the pertinent facts dead on right, except for the fact that I was 6'2", which I'm not.
She even included a piece of information I gave her, but then later regretted, but I understood her decision to run it, since she's not my public relations officer, but a reporter. She's not going to alter the story for the sake of my convenience. I respect that, and I respect that she had to consult an alternative viewpoint to mine, even if that guy's response was idiotic.
Point is, were I a Korean citizen, with my knowledge of the Korean media's record of being formerly a propaganda tool for a government that worked hard to repress information, as well as the many problems evident in reporting to the present day, I'd trust a Korean newspaper's account of something, especially on a subject filled with such obvious and blatant bias, as far as I could throw it. So refuting my claims with mere quotations from the problematic news sources I am criticizing does nothing for me.
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